Thursday, January 14, 2010

Slavery in Today's World

Human trafficking and slavery are often overlooked by many in our society. The two are very closely related because many victims of human trafficking end up as slaves. Shockingly, today there are more victims of slavery and human trafficking than ever before. Though slavery is banned worldwide and many countries have strict laws against human trafficking, they are prevalent in all corners of our world. Slavery is even found in the United States, as an estimated 14,000 people are trafficked into the US each year, most of who become inducted into prostitution rings.

Poverty, overpopulation, and the lack of education have contributed much towards modern day slavery. Established sex trafficking networks exist in almost every country and this lucrative trade is highly profitable, victimizing many young women. Many people in India still follow the banned caste system, in which millions are born into slavery each year. Pakistan alone has 20 million bonded laborers, who are subject to terrible working conditions and are almost always threatened by violence. Slavery is not a issue of the past; it is very much a problem in today’s world, and will be a issue in the future as well.

Anti-slavery advocates define slavery as “The total control of one person by another for the purpose of economic exploitation.” This includes forced labor, bonded labor, forced marriage, and trafficking. Many people are unaware of the magnitude slavery occurs in today’s world. According to Kevin Bales, a leading anti-slavery advocate, the cost of obtaining a slave today is far less than during the pre-Civil war era. It is disturbing to see that humans are still sold as commodities; something that most of us thought was banned by the turn of the 20th century. 


  1. I saw an episode of CSI Miami about human trafficing and prostitution...but I had no idea that it was an issue of such magnitude. It is a scary thought and a harsh reality.

  2. i saw the movie taken, which exposes the dark side of human trafficking. It is truly moving, and i recommend it to anyone interested in this issue.

  3. What's really sad is that the Americans keep looking at their own lives and are soo much more worried about the next person they Rip off, then saving others. People grow up learning that slavery was of the past. Yet all these forms human trafficking, the caste systems are all forms, and it is as cruel as Slavery in the US was.

  4. If anyone wants more information about this topic I suggest you read the book " Not For Sale" by David Batstone.
    Check out his video on youtube :

  5. I had no idea that slavery was still such a big issue in our world. We just finished our course on slavery in U.S. history and I really was appalled by the treatment of a group of people back then, and thought as a country and as a world we had moved on, but apparently not. This blog was very well written, in a way that was intelligent but still accessible to those who don't know much about this topic.

  6. Wow I had no idea that so much human trafficking existed in the US. 14,000 is a relatively large number! I thought we put slavery behind us in the 19th century but it appears that I am very wrong.

  7. I'm glad you decided to do a follow up article and discus what the United States is doing to help reduce Human Trafficking.

  8. Yeah, it helps me breathe a little bit easier knowing that some justice is trying to be served.
